(1) Publishing
Connect and inform the new media artist community in Ireland and embody a voice for this community. We aim to serve as a bridge between institutional, grassroot and academic actors in the field and with this connection, attempt to shape the scene in a way that facilitates a true voice of Irish New Media Art with a nurturing foundational community.
(2) Physical & Virtual Spaces
Provide physical and virtual spaces for artists to tap into at any point in their career, advocating for the voice and unique style of Irish digital artists and fostering an intra-communal exchange.
(3) Activism
Ensure that the interests of grassroots, mid-level and underrepresented artists are represented and upheld in the creation of new policies and structural changes. Assist the decision-making of policy makers to ensure decisions impacting the community are thoroughly informed.
(4) Website
Maintain a durable, decentralised, and community-driven platform and network for Irish-based artists and cultural initiatives. The platform will serve as an open-source co-publishing tool to archive, connect, and promote past, present, and future activities which artists and spaces can use to promote and catalogue work while funders can search, find and background check artists.